Data Extraction Services

We are very much skilled in data extraction services. We are capable to extract millions of data from any online business directory and process that database in effective way. If you have any data extraction related requirement then feel free to contact us and get cost effective data extraction solution.


– Gather leads from online business directories
– Discover product defects by scraping product reviews on message boards and forums.
– Identify private sellers from auto and property websites.
– Gather search engine rankings.
– Gather classified ads from many different sites.
– Extract job board listings from private companies and large job boards.
– Monitor news sites for keywords.
– Gather company information from many different directory websites.
– Capture search engine local rank for businesses.
– Gather and create industry directories.
– Extract dealer inventory information.
– Automate the process of background checks on individuals.
– Gather restaurant reviews from major review sites.
– Capture search engine ad page rank.
– Gather weekly ads from competitor grocery stores.
– Gather user reviews for any product or service.


– Gather product catalogs including images and product manuals from wholesalers/manufacturers websites.
– Monitor order status from ecommerce portals.
– Extract top selling information for products on auction websites.
– Monitor competitor’s inventory information.
– Extract textbook prices (new/used) from top college textbook e-retailers.
– Extract product images and specification documents.
– Monitor commodity prices.


– Gather contact information for homes that were recently purchased.
– Gather foreclosure listings by zip code, and stay up-to-date on foreclosed properties.
– Gather bookings for any type of resort, or area.


– Gather historical weather information.
– Gather the chemical makeup of compounds from science sites.
– Gather medical directories of specialists in every state.
– Gather political press releases from candidates.


– Gather historical case results from federal law websites.
– Create a national directory of attorneys.
– Gather volcanic activity information.


– Gather financial information from any financial website.
– Extract information from corporate financial statements.
– Monitor interest rates for competitor banks and publish data as an RSS Feed.
– Extract bond and stock pricing history.


– Extract profile information from popular social media websites.
– Extract useful information from encyclopedia and journal websites.
– Extract tourist attraction information.
– Create an event aggregator websites (concerts, sporting events, etc.).
– Extract ticket availability from major ticket websites.
– Extract top book and movie sales rank from leading ecommerce websites.
– Monitor blogs for new postings.

– Create RSS feeds for specific keywords on various websites.
– Check the meta information on pages of a website (description, keywords, page title).
– Extract element/source code of web pages. Including, but not limited to HTML, JavaScript.
– Gather domain name arbitration decisions and commentary.

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