Project Title: Clean Up Existing Pricing Calculator Project Description: We require an experienced Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets master, to make updates to our pricing rate card. In addition, to cleaning up and removing some of our calculations, we would like to improve the visual appearance of how the cells show the pricing to our customers and make it easier for the sales team to…
Project Title: Cleaning Contacts & Company Database Project Description: I need to clean up my database. I have approximately 3000 contacts that need to be verified and about 2000 companies. For contacts, I need to have them cross referenced with LinkedIn and Facebook. Any contact information (email address, telephone #, website, date of birth, spouse/partner, etc) that can be retrieved from LI or FB that…
Project Title: De-duplicate & Standardize Spreadsheet Data Project Description: I have many spreadsheets that contain many cells of duplicate info. I might want a few cells from 1 sheet and a few from another. I would like to efficiently put them all together. I also have sheets that have some matching data and cells that differ slightly, such as listing a street as “dr” on…
Project Title: Excel File Data Cleaning Project Description: I am looking for an individual to help me sort already existing data sets into excel files. You have to pull out First Name, Last Name, email, location, previous job/employer from the data (it is already there, just not sorted properly). Please let me know, if this is something you can do. For similar work requirements feel…
Project Title: Contact List De-duplication & Cleaning Project Description: Hi there, We are in need of assistance with regards to our Contact List, we need an excel Wizard who can clean out the data and rid the list of anyone without an email address at a minimum. Also clean duplicates. Also addressing formatting issues within the excel and basically make it look not messy so…