

Cleaning & Validating B2B contact Emails

Post By admin
Email List Verification Services

Project Title: Cleaning & Validating B2B contact Emails

Project Description:
We have a database of B2B contacts that needs its emails to be cleaned and validated.

The process you will need to follow is as given below:
– De-Duplicating the Emails
– Checking email address syntax
– Verifying that individual domain specific mailbox rules are met
– Checking for improbable names (vulgar, famous, bogus, or suspicious keystroke sequences)
– Checking mail exchange record of domain is valid and accepting mail
– Checking existence of SMTP server for domain

This validation and cleaning process helps us to reduce bounce rates, protect our reputation, improves marketing ROI & performance and improves deliver-ability.

We look forward towards your solution. Thanks!!

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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  • 6 years ago Chip Clarke

    We would like to clean and validate the event Planner database we have collected across various countries like USA, Canada, UK, etc. directories like Yelp & Yellowpages.

    Please advise if you can perform such sort of task as well as elaborate your services.


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