Project Title: Contact List Cleansing & Formatting
Project Description:
I have a CSV containing 2130 contacts.
We need to cleanse and format these contacts so they are ready to use in our upcoming marketing campaign. This means:
1. Removing contacts with irrelevant titles or from irrelevant companies.
2. Ensuring names are appropriately formatted.
3. Ensuring company names are “conversational” (i.e. updated so they look natural when merged into our templates.
We want to approach people who are providing accounting advice (i.e. accounting, bookkeeping and tax firms). Business advisory services are okay too *as long as they provide accounting services*.
We do not want general businesses that do not offer accounting services. We do not want industry bodies or groups. And we don’t want university/education/training-related companies.
We want to approach business decision makers. This will usually be the people who own the firm, but may also include general titles like “director”.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
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