

Data Cleaning for CSV Files

Post By admin
Data cleaning

Project Title: Data Cleaning for CSV Files

Project Description:
I have some 10 to 15 CSV files extracted from my company databases which requires lot of cleaning process.

I need someone to clean the database and provide me an enriched and standardized database.

I need a database which should not have null values,duplicate and non sensible data.

I will send you detailed requirements and explanation to carry out the cleaning process.

Can you please let me know cost estimation for cleaning process?

Please feel free to contact if in-case you have any queries.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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  • 6 years ago Aine Mcgurk

    Here are instructions for data cleaning project that are sure to help.

    – Combining data from multiple files into one.
    – Breaking up data from one cells into multiple cells.
    – Removing duplicates.
    – Re-building missing values.


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