

Google Sheet and CSV File Clean up Service

Post By admin
Data cleaning

Project Title: Google Sheet and CSV File Clean up Service

Project Description:
I have a database in CSV format that I’d like to prepare for import into my CRM. In order to do this, I need to have the data cleaned up so that:

– The names of leads are split properly (i.e. ‘Name’ becomes, say, ‘First Name’, ‘Middle Name’ and ‘Last Name’).
– The addresses are split properly (i.e. ‘Full Address’ becomes ‘Address 1’, ‘Address 2’, ‘City’, ‘Postal Code’ etc).
– The column headers are relabeled to the appropriate fields for import into CRM.
– The appropriate fields are created in CRM.

The data is a list of people to contact, to whom I will be sending letters. I won’t, however, be sending all the letters out at once. Instead, I will be sending them spread out over time, in batches of approximately 1,000.

The total number of rows in the data is about 23,000. I intend to upload the leads iteratively, not all at once, with a field that I can mark which mailing the leads were sent their letters (this allows me to track response rates and ROI).

I am open to suggestions of more efficient ways to carry out this task following a more in-depth briefing of the task.

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