Project Title: Manual Reconciliation of Excel and PDF
Project Description:
I have an Excel sheet with approximately 13,000 rows of data with the following columns:
– LocationId
– CarrierNum
– CarrierName
– ElectID
Unfortunately, much of the data in the ElectID column is incorrect. So I need someone to go through a master list in PDF format and manually enter the ElectID from the master list, based on the Carrier Name. So for example the following record exists in the Excel spreadsheet:
– LocationId = 1
– CarrierNum = 1409
– CarrierName = ABCXYZ
– Address = CTWED
But the Master List PDF has an entry with the following values:
Payer ID = 53589
So the data entry specialist would go into the Excel spreadsheet and change the ElectID value from “CTWED” to “53589” so that it matches the Payer ID in the master list PDF.
This is a fairly simple illustration of the work, but others will be more complex. The Excel sheet will often have multiple rows for the same carrier, but with different variations of the name. For example, there might be a row in the Excel file with the following:
– LocationId = 1
– CarrierNum = 2661
– CarrierName = ABCXYZ
– Address = XXXXX
– LocationId = 1
– CarrierNum = 2661
– CarrierName = AB/C XYZ
– Address = YYYYY
– LocationId = 1
– CarrierNum = 2661
– CarrierName = ABC XYZ
– Address = ZZZZZ
And all of those ones would need to have their ElectID value changed to 53589 too.
For ones that aren’t clear, the specialist would make their best guess and then highlight the row in yellow.
For ones that cannot be found in the master list, the specialist would highlight the row in light blue.
The end product would be a copy of the original Excel spreadsheet with all the ElectID values updated to match the corresponding rows in the master sheet.
For similar work requirements feel free to email us on
Will you be able to append the data as per our guidance?
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