

Product Attribute Standardization

Post By admin

Project Title: Product Attribute Standardization

Project Description:
We have a catalog of over 100K products which requires accurate and standardized product attribution that enables optimal merchandising across the eStore and ensures correct product descriptions, prices, discounts and promotional offers.

You have to begin with classifying product data and standardizing UPCs (Universal Product Code) to ensure smooth workflow between retailers, suppliers and manufacturers.

Employ product data matching techniques to handle issues in content related to spellings and variations.

You need to made sure that the dimensions to each product are attributed accurately and in the same unit of measurement.

Along with the values, you also have to standardize the keys. For example: ensure that color, colour and clr, as mentioned in different product detail pages, are standardized as color throughout.

Lastly, ensure that UPC, manufacturer, color, dimensions and price for each product are attributed accurately and standardized.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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  • 6 years ago Jake Schutz

    Help us to standardize our database having data for CEOs of different companies. Requirements are:
    – Get names in format: First Name_Last Name
    – Get address as: House no, Street name, City, State, Country.


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