

Verification and Standardization of Company Records

Post By admin

Project Title: Verification and Standardization of Company Records

Project Description:
Our main objective is verifying 28K records with more than 80 fields; gathered from various data sources.

We need to prepare it for selling to the clients that require.

The Challenges are:
– Various data sources contained different information for the same company.
– Global HQ’s address not mentioned categorically by all companies.
– Companies don’t list count of employees and revenue figures on their website.

You will have to clean data followed by standardization in form of detailed company description to assist us in achieving that single customer view and develop customer-centric investment portfolios.

Web research has to be conducted with help of macros and bots, to crawl as well as verify the information available.

For similar work requirements feel free to email us on

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  • 6 years ago Chris Mezzatesta

    Hi, Please give me cost to match and verify the data from a master spreadsheet provided.


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